In 2020, Lindsay and her dear friend, Angela Suttner, wrote and published the memoir, Where the Trail Ends: The Kenny Suttner Story. Angela wanted to share her son’s story with the world instead of just the news surrounding his death, which was a tragic bullycide that made headlines across the nation.

“I knew that I wanted the world to know about our son, and Lindsay helped me accomplish that,” Angela says. “His story had garnered so much media attention before, during, and after the unprecedented coroner’s inquest into our son’s death. I felt so deeply that the news articles and reports were just focusing on Kenny’s death and not who he was. During the process of writing Kenny’s story, I struggled and there were days I wasn’t sure I would be able to finish the book, but with Lindsay’s help, compassion, perseverance, and guidance, we finished it. Each time I hear from parents about how Kenny’s story has impacted their lives and their children’s…I know our son didn’t die in vain.”


In August of 2023, Lindsay signed a contract with Conquest Publishing for her debut novel, THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR’S WIFE, which will be released September 3rd of 2024. Stay tuned for updates and sneak peeks about this book!